Saturday, December 12, 2009
Looking for Love in All the Wrong Sims

Friday, September 4, 2009
Searching for Heaven, Part I

Just Heaven, 222,162,230 claims to be a sanctuary from the craziness of SL. I was there approximately 3 minutes and was thrown out. Not a good sign.
Promise of Heaven, located curiously enough in a land called "Cursed", is actually the site of an immersive role playing game set in a (get this) correctional facility. I could NOT hit that teleport me outta here button quick enough.
Next stop: Nude Heaven Beach 171, 61, 23 - need I say more? I tp'd to Antiques Heaven thinking it would either be a furniture store or a 60+ dating site, but it was just rental property. At Site of Heaven, 47,85,61, I could buy Charm Knickers, whatever those are (charming underwear????). At Halloween Heaven - 51, 13, 1500 there were enough carved pumpkins, scary witches and spooky fog to go around, but no one to sneak up and BOO to, so I did not wait for anyone.
Heaven weary, I glanced at the long list of more heavens and decided to go visit my friend Parrot at his gallery and that was a Bit of Heaven catching up with my old friend and his creative art. *sigh* - friends are the best. Romances tend to turn into pixel dust and blow away as soon as the transporter turns on, but my friendships in SL have endured. Packed the wings away for the night and signed off. Damn.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Exploring for September 1st

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Back in the saddle again

Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
On the road again.....

Real Life Kidnapped Me - send Lawyers, Guns & Money
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
What Makes Perfect North Happy

My friend Pardoes (wingmaker) (vampire gun maker) (Superstar Second Life Mentor) is the creator and owner of this place.
Slumdog SL - Deft Lassard and I met back in 06 when we were both newbies, and recently connected again - the other night he tp'd me to his place - he is proud (and rightly so!) of his trailer house on the Industry sim, complete with dirty dishes in the sink, a tv bigger than one wall of the room, and a big ass motorcycle sitting outside. I contributed a velvet candle, a bong , and a pink flamingo as a housewarming present. Deft is one cool guy and I am so glad we are back in communication.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Some of My Favorite Places

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rest Stop
So far, it has been great fun, and I have found, between the dungeons, some wondrous places along the way. All the while I have been chatting with my longtime friends, and sharing the finds with them, and enhancing our friendship along the way.
I will be back! (didn't MacArthur say that?) For my American friends, Happy Memorial Day, and thanks to those who were in service to our country. For my foreign friends, hope all is well.
Monday, May 18, 2009
How Very Odd......

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Racking up the Meters

Friday, May 15, 2009
Barking Dogs and Galleons
Isola Gavia at 160,116,26, was next, mostly a rental island, but with beautiful red cliffs I have yet to see in SL. Reminded me of the Red Rocks of Jemez, New Mexico, but nobody was selling frybread. There is an unusual house there, looks like someone made an Easter Island Statue out of wood.
Amanda Isle, 168,130,25 - snow on the ground and me barefoot! Nobody there but three dogs: Butch, Spot and Son of Spot (wonder what they will name Son of Spot's progeny?) This was a lovely little town, of course totally empty of people, with some cool galleons in the harbor. One ship was decorated with stained glass. Tried to use the teleporter next to the ship, but the message i got was "sorry, you must rez at least two pads" WTF does that mean? Left with the dogs barking good naturedly at me, and went off to dance with an old friend, Jurian, at Cafe Casablanca, 25,65,22 - it is a nice club decorated with photos from the movie.
In real life, I had a root canal this morning and am still feeling the effects of all the chemical entertainment they gave me. Will visit more sims tomorrow when am back to normal and not drifting several inches off the ground!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Don't know much about art, but know weird when i see it.....

My title for this statue: Permanent Impotence
Gravity's Rainbow 193,85,33, very nice gallery. Also went to a beautiful place called New Earthstar Ascenders, 179,129,32, with some gorgeous shapes and colors and quartz crystals, a genie's bottle and beautiful music. Landmarked this one for peaceful moments during walkabout. Doum Doum Island is the home of Percussus Mall, and when I checked out the owner's profile, he is letting the world know he is getting married at the end of May. Partnering is a strange concept to PN - she has never partnered and probably never will. It's that freedom thing. But I am so pleased for those who find love, in whatever form, in whatever life.
Twisted Thorn is an elegant building that sells antiques (pixels put together in 2003?) - building is very well made, with stained glass windows and dark wood floors. Easy on the avi eyes.
My longtime friend Sunn Thunders (we met in 06) recommended I add twitter to this blog, and I am thinking about it. Sunn is a fantastic artist - his sculptures are like virtual dreams.
When I was on Harlequin 70,101,26, there was a haunted house and a phone was ringing - could not find the phone to answer it - was probably Satan - LOL - oh well, maybe he'll text me instead.
Time to Be Careful
A series of tp's last night took me into lands where people seem to relish the pain and degredation of others. At Kajira Falls, I saw posters selling wounds and injuries for your avi. At Talender Estates the notecard advised that this was "generally a safe place". The City of Tor warned me not to step off the paths. On Harlequin, there was a big dark castle and the group members all had "blood-something" in their names. A series of islands named "Hsinjui Fantasy" were blocked from entry, and frankly, I don't want to know why.
Freedom is very important to me, so I am not saying avatars should not be free to chop away at each other, or find their thrills in torture and bondage and fangs. SL is, after all, an escape.
Yet I have found, in my long life, that when you ask darkness into your life, it has a tendency to stay well past its welcome. I will tread softly in these lands, and stay only as long as necessary. And when my walkabout is over, I will never touch those shores again.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
And now...a commercial break
My photo was done by Danielz Ghost.
My avi was created out of trial and error through three years of picking up things at freebie shops - lol.
My heart belongs to me.
Mixed Bag
Tried to go to aptly named Nevernever land - was thrown off. Next was a cute place called Moochie Moochie, with a country western bar, mudwrestling (PN does not like to get dirty) and bullriding. I really wanted to try the bullride, a fearsome beast, but the figure does not stay still long enough to get a good right click on him. So I wandered around the place some more: there is a garden with a swing built for two - and a gadget called a prim finder?
TP'd to the next island, Pulse Point, a corporate island I guess, but nothing to tell a wandering soul what they were selling. This is the problem with most marketing on SL - no direction, no information. Left quickly.
Palmae Keys, 48,64,21, is lovely! Treehouses in a jungle, with lots of water and birds. On Enchanted Isles, i found a little solarium in a valley, where someone had their private stash of marijuana growing in a hydroponic setup! Too cool!
And then, I went to an island where the owners obviously do not want visitors.....I rezzed in a toilet bowl and when I looked up, there was a huge man peeing into the toilet! Yipes! Before I could remove myself I was flushed back to my home base - very creative, but ewwwwwww!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Where is everyone?
Athens II, 149,150,162, - looks like someone is building a corporate island here? But it is not finished. Softland, 84, 183, 57, calls itself a french sanctuary but the heavy metal music did not seem serene to me, and what do you know... more torture machines.
I was ready for some peace and quiet when I landed at Sanctus Domus, Salaam Shores, at 128,128,0 - beautiful simple little place with gardens, beach, rock diving, and even a record player between two lawn chairs, playing music from the 40's.
I stayed there at Salaam Shores a while, planning my next tp - I am enjoying this sim-hopping, but sure would be nice to find someone to talk to in these lands (except at the dungeons and torture places) . Am I lonely? No, I have lots of friends to talk to through IM chatting as I make my way through SL - but I have to wonder, when I log on and see that there are 74,000 others online with me right now - where are they?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Here we go!
Trying to be methodical with this walkabout, so next stop was the next island over to the west: Syms Island, 123,142,34. Rezzed into a dark dungeon. PN does not like dark dungeons. Left.
Next stop almost hurt my little avi eyes as I rezzed on Fiera SL, 109,128,251 - so bright! Even on the map of the world it stands out! It is the home to some corporation, but since PN is an American and we are famous for our inability to speak any language other than our own, I have no idea what Fiera makes. Perhaps the owners might consider one of those signs to be in English? There are sure plenty of signs, and then a dance floor right in the middle of them. LOL - "honey, remember the night you proposed to me, with the light of the billboard shining in your eyes?" Loved the bright use of primary colors in the design of this sim, but nothing to keep me there unless my translator works on the written word as well.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Reason for the Journey
I almost left SL this week for good. It is not an easy place for someone who is single in RL and holds out the foolish hope that someday the right avatar, who is hooked to the right man, might show up....I need something to occupy my imagination. So, PN is putting the bullet proof armor on her heart again, taking a deep breath, and starting out on a new adventure. Look out world, here she comes.