There is a song....these are a few of my favorite things....well, here are a few of my favorite spots on SL. I expect as my travels continue, this list will grow, so here are the ones I started with before the adventure began.
Tempura - 125,132,33 - here is a pic of me dancing in the meadow just a few steps away from the landing zone. I don't care where you go and landmark on Tempura, you will land in the same spot when you return, so my advice is....move as soon as you get there! And turn on your music stream - the sounds are lovely. This is one of the most creative and beautiful sims on SL - at least that I have found so far. There is a ballroom, meadows, lovely red trees, and yes, some little huts where you can do your heavy breathing... or so I have been

Africa is at 50,27,21 and you can ride a zebra around the sim. Watch out for the termite ants (army ants?). You can dance, take a balloon ride, tiptoe past the pride of lions or go into the huts for heavy breathing...or so I have been told. Jurian and I found this sim back in November and there was no one there but the critters. Now the place is very busy. African music, waterfall, raging river, monkeys, a beach, mountains, fun spot for exploring.
Catcher in the Pie, 185,142,26, is a gathering place for writers and readers, and you can post your writing on the wall (one of mine is currently there) for all to read. They have special events there as well - cute name, yes?
I am in there somewhere floating among the planets, at Ethereal Sensations Space Park - chose a poseball that said Sky Float. This sim is amazing, the music changes often - sometimes Arabic, sometimes Native American, sometimes Nickelback (yea!), and there are some pose balls I have never seen before. This is a good place to take a date if you want to do something besides dance, or heavy breathing.

While wandering around tonight, I caught up with several of my friends: Cyan, Deft, Melonpipps, Straton Tigerpaw, Parrot (who is to blame for all of this), Knilly.....and earlier in the day, danced with my darling Pardoes at Top Hat, 54,222,41. Missed all of my friends!
Ended up the evening at Garden of DaVinci, 37,105,26, where I met Dreams Magic, from Quebec, and had a nice relaxing conversation around the fire.
I started this adventure with the hope that I would learn more about myself along the way - but did not expect a revelation would come so quickly! While searching for new places on SL, I have, in RL, been searching for direction. This blog has helped me refine one of my dreams into a goal: to support my Real Life as a writer. This means a lot more Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Top Ramen and no HBO in my future....but, there you go.
Or should I say, here I go.........
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