Just Heaven, 222,162,230 claims to be a sanctuary from the craziness of SL. I was there approximately 3 minutes and was thrown out. Not a good sign.
Promise of Heaven, located curiously enough in a land called "Cursed", is actually the site of an immersive role playing game set in a (get this) correctional facility. I could NOT hit that teleport me outta here button quick enough.
Next stop: Nude Heaven Beach 171, 61, 23 - need I say more? I tp'd to Antiques Heaven thinking it would either be a furniture store or a 60+ dating site, but it was just rental property. At Site of Heaven, 47,85,61, I could buy Charm Knickers, whatever those are (charming underwear????). At Halloween Heaven - 51, 13, 1500 there were enough carved pumpkins, scary witches and spooky fog to go around, but no one to sneak up and BOO to, so I did not wait for anyone.
Heaven weary, I glanced at the long list of more heavens and decided to go visit my friend Parrot at his gallery and that was a Bit of Heaven catching up with my old friend and his creative art. *sigh* - friends are the best. Romances tend to turn into pixel dust and blow away as soon as the transporter turns on, but my friendships in SL have endured. Packed the wings away for the night and signed off. Damn.