Monday, July 20, 2009

This is the way to go to a movie!

The Reel Corn Cinema Rhone 31,163,22
The movie house is in the popcorn box!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

On the road again.....

So good to be back on the walkabout. Checked out Showcase and found this cool dance place called The Atlas Club 62,36,38 - it is located in a huge airship. Steampunk is fun.
Then I just opened up the map, closed my eyes and chose a place to land - it was Lebn's Garden, 84,238,29 - found myself in the middle of a trivia game that happens on every Sunday at noon. When that was over, most of the group moved over to Monochrome 137,33,751, where not only were we dirty dancing, we were still playing trivia! I met Thornton Writer (fellow 57 years old person!) who told me about some other cool trivia events on SL. Playing a trivia game 1) knocks out the cobwebs in these old brains, 2) staves off alzheimer's, 3) keeps you off the streets, and most importantly, 4) lets you meet new people who are just as goofy as you are.
Later, dudes.....

Real Life Kidnapped Me - send Lawyers, Guns & Money

Okay, here's what happened. One day I was cruising along, exploring SL, spreading my wings and a very scary creature named "Work" swooped down, grabbed me and would not let me go! Oh he was a smooth talker, this Work.....promised me money for food, taught me how to use my truck again, and just made Real LIfe so much more interesting (and used his magic to make those other bad people "Bill Collectors" go away for a while too)....but I am more clever than Work! I negotiated a work release program so I can release myself from Work sometimes and come back to Second Life (the true reality) on a limited basis...starting today! I missed you guys!